With Challenger annuities,
you can enjoy safe, reliable
retirement income.
Ask your financial adviser,
visit challenger.com.au
or call 1300 362 888.
F u tu re -p ro o f y o u r re tire m e n t
Future-proof your retirement.
As we all know, the share market
can go down as well as up. When
you're younger and working, you
have time on your side to recover
from any market falls. But if you're
at or near retirement, these same
events can have a devastating
impact on your retirement income.
If you've started thinking about
your retirement, it's time to
start thinking about more secure
investments like Challenger
annuities as part of your
superannuation portfolio.
They provide a safe, reliable
income for terms ranging from
to 50 years.
Unlike other safe investments,
they don't sacrifice
performance for security.
Challenger's annuity rates
are usually higher than
comparable term deposits
and they have often
outperformed the average
'balanced' managed fund.
Challenger Life Company Limited ABN 44 072 486 938, AFSL 234670 (Challenger Life) issues Challenger annuities. Before making any investment decision about annuities, consider
the current product disclosure statement (available from your financial adviser or our website: www.challenger.com.au) and the appropriateness of the annuity to your circumstances
(including the risks). It is assumed that an annuity is held until its maturity date. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Challenger Life's obligation to make
payments under an annuity is a contractual obligation and is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable annuity and the Life Insurance Act (Act). The payment obligations of
Challenger Life are limited to the available assets of the Challenger Life Statutory Fund No. 2, except if otherwise provided under the Act.